Abstract Guidelines
Abstract submission
- Abstracts of original research are invited for E-Poster presentation.
- E-poster presentations will be conducted online on 10th March 2025 online via Zoom
- Conference registration of the presenting author is mandatory for E-poster presentation
- Please note, a single registration permits only one person to attend the conference. If co-authors would like to attend the conference, they have to register for the conference independently.
- Registering for the conference will not guarantee acceptance of the paper for presentation.
- Name of the presenting author must be underlined and bold.
- Abstract should be submitted in English with accurate grammar and spelling, formatting suitable for publication.
- Abstract should contain original unpublished research data. No review papers to be accepted
- Acceptance of abstract will be purely on the basis of its quality and originality.
- The decision of the Scientific Committee regarding acceptance of the abstract for presentation would be final.
- Abstracts previously presented will not be accepted.
- Submit your abstracts to the scientific committee via https://forms.gle/9aGGkpuW7KCHUHkn6
- Accepted abstracts would be published in the conference proceedings with ISBN number
- All registered co-authors would receive an e-certificate of presentation.
- Scientific committee will inform the authors regarding acceptance of the abstract.
Themes for Abstract Submission
- Community Nutrition & Health Surveys
- Nutraceuticals in Health and Disease
- Functional Foods in Health and Disease
- AI, Digital applications in Health and Disease
- Therapeutic Food Product Development
Guidelines for writing abstract
- Type the abstract in Microsoft word.
- Font style - Times New Roman, Font size -12, Line spacing - 1.5
- Submit the abstract as Word File and not as PDF.
- The abstract should not exceed 300 words (Excluding title, author name, institutional affiliations, references, keywords and funding source).
- No graphs/images/tables should be included in the abstract.
- Title should be in UPPER CASE and bold (Limited to 25 words or less).
- Avoid the use of abbreviations in the title.
- Mention the theme under which you are submitting the abstract below the title.
- Author and Co-author details:
- Surname followed by first name.
- Affiliation Details: Department, Institution, City, State.
- Authors from different institutions should be identified by superscript numbers at the end of that author’s name. No title [Mr., Ms., Prof., Dr., etc.] or qualification [Ph.D, M.Sc., etc.] should be added.
- The name of the presenting author should be bold and underlined.
- Email ID and Mobile number of the presenting author should be provided for correspondence.
- The abstract should be in the structured format.
Format for writing abstract
- Background: Indicate the objectives and rationale of the study.
- Aims and Objective: State the aim of the study.
- Materials & Methods: Describe the setting/location of the study, study design, study population, data collection, materials and/or methods used for analysis.
- Results: Summarize the findings/outcome of the study.
- Conclusions: Write the observed conclusions based on your findings
- References: Maximum 4 references can be included in abstract in APA format (References won’t be a part of the competitive criteria for abstract review)
- Keywords: Give 4-5 keywords
- Funding Source: If the authors have received any funds for the study, authors should mention funding source at the end of abstract
- End of abstract submission: 25th February 2025
- Acceptance confirmation: 1st March 2025
- Submission of E-posters: 5th March 2025
- E-poster presentation: 10th March 2025
Essay Writing Competition for Working Professionals
Theme: Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods For Health
- Word Limit: 1000 words (excluding title & references). Give an attractive title to your essay.
- 5-8 references, APA style.
- Less than 10% plagiarism, check plagiarism level using free checkers before submitting the essay.
- Do not use AI/ ChatGPT to write the essay. Who can participate: Professionals in nutrition, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, food technology, and related industries.
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 size & 1.5 spacing. Registration & attendance for NHRC 2025 compulsory to participate in the competition.
- Prizes will be declared during the conference. All accepted essays to be published in conference proceedings with ISBN number.
- Essays would be judged on basis of originality, creativity, sound scientific basis, grammatical accuracy.
Last Date of submission of essay 28 February 2025
Submit Essays: https://forms.gle/oUR8hnqDsxKpo9r58: